Why I Chose Golang for Our Backend Development

Thuan Nguyen · May 6, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, selecting the right technology stack for a new project is crucial. After extensive research and deliberation, I decided to use Go (Golang) for the backend of our new project. This post delves into the reasons behind this choice, highlighting Go’s performance, simplicity, and robust ecosystem.

Why Go?

1. Performance

Go is renowned for its efficiency and performance. As a statically typed, compiled language, it offers the speed necessary for high-load applications. Go’s runtime efficiency is particularly beneficial for our project, which demands high throughput and low latency.

2. Concurrency

Go’s native support for concurrency is one of its standout features. It uses goroutines, which are lightweight and managed by the Go runtime. The ease of handling simultaneous processes without the overhead typical of traditional threads is a significant advantage, especially for services requiring high scalability.

3. Simplicity and Readability

Go’s syntax is clean and straightforward, making it easy to learn and master. This simplicity extends to less cognitive load for developers, leading to fewer bugs and more maintainable code. For a project that aims to grow and evolve, maintainability is key.

4. Robust Standard Library

The standard library in Go covers a wide array of functionalities, from handling I/O operations to managing HTTP servers. This comprehensive library reduces the need to rely on external packages, streamlining the development process and ensuring stability.

5. Tooling

Go provides a robust set of tools out of the box that helps with formatting, documentation, testing, and even performance profiling. This integrated toolset enhances developer productivity and improves code quality.

6. Community and Corporate Support

Go is backed by a strong community and major corporations, including Google, which ensures continuous improvement and support. The vibrant community offers ample resources, libraries, and tools that facilitate development.


The decision to use Go for the backend of our new project was driven by its powerful combination of performance, ease of use, and community support. I believe Go will not only meet our current needs but also adapt to future challenges, supporting our project as it scales.